Daudzi, iespējams, nekad nav iedziļinājušies, kas patiesībā slēpjas aiz perfektajiem "Instagram" modeļu un fitnesa skaistuļu foto. Amerikāņu žurnālists Edvards Leins (attēlā) apņēmies apgaismot pasauli par to, kas notiek aizkadrā.

Edvars, kurš strādā par žurnālistu izdevumā "Men's Health", ir tā dēvētais ""Instagram" vīrs" – puisis, kuram jārūpējas par to, lai viņa draudzenes fotogrāfijas būtu uzņemtas no pareizā rakursa, lai tajās būtu glīta kompozīcija un citiem sīkumiem, kas momentuzņēmumam garantē sarkanās sirsniņas jeb "patīk".

Edvarda mīļotā meitene ir Eimija Hopkinsa, kura sociālajos tīklos propagandē veselīgu dzīvesveidu, nodarbojas ar fitnesu un piedomā pie tā, kas tiek ēsts. Savukārt viņas puisim bieži vien nākas izpildīt fotogrāfa darbiņu un dokumentēt savas draudzenes gaitas.

Pēkšņi pār Edvardu nākusi apskaidrība – iedvesmojošs foto blogs prasa lielas pūles. "Pēkšņi man bija jāstāv uz dīvāna savai draudzenei aiz muguras, lai no īstā rakursa iemūžinātu putras šķīvi, kas atradās nesanitāri tuvu viņas pēdām. Vai, piemēram, mulsinoši jāslapstās aiz viņas, lai es netīšām neiekļūtu viņas rīta stāstiņā. Man tas viss šķita īsts neprāts," izdevumam "Mashable" stāstījis Edvars.

A post shared by Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) on Jul 22, 2017 at 2:16am PDT

Vīrietim licies pagalam dīvaini tas, ka simtiem cilvēku "Instagramā" spieduši sarkanās sirsniņas bildei, kurā viņas draudzene iemūžināta, mielojoties ar salātiem. Tas burtiski viņu salauzis – viņš nav spējis noticēt tam, ka tik daudz ļaužu ir apsēsti ar legingiem, proteīna kokteiļiem un avokado.

Edvards izveidojis parodijkontu, kurā asprātīgā manierē iesmej par ļaudīm, kuri visu savu dzīvi pakārto tam, lai uzņemtu bildīti, kas iemieso apgarotību un fitnesa kultu, kā arī parāda to, cik tas viss no malas izskatās muļķīgi, un neilgā laikā viņam izdevies sapulcēt prāvu sekotāju pulciņu.

ACTION AND REACTION // Forget about counting your macros. Weight maintenance is all about matching the calories you burn to the calories you consume. If you want to weigh more then eat more and do less. If you want to weigh less then eat less and do more. But look at me, I look amazing, so I'm working on maintenance. . . And so that means finding the perfect reaction for every foodie action. Which is where your 🍑 comes in. As one of your biggest muscles your glutes can activate more muscle fibres, making them one of the most metabolically activate parts of your body, requiring more calories to be burnt for fuel every time they contract. And so... Strap on a resistance band and start clam shelling. . . Whether you're by a pool repping crisps at the @fitbituk_ireland #houseoffit or on your chaise longe at home and spotter is dropping grapes in your mouth it's the perfect exercise to make every food guilt-free. . . 🙌🏼 to @lensaction for bringing a little production value to #wellnesstedworld

A post shared by Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) on Aug 8, 2017 at 12:21am PDT

OM A MISSION // Since joining the upper echelons of Instagram's wellness influencer community I'd been finding it progressively harder to practice what I preach. A full diary of protein launches, avocado brunches, selfies, workout classes, selfies, gym openings, yoga retreats and selfies had a dramatic effect on my anxiety levels. And despite my online persona, I was struggling for headspace. Which is why I've started meditating. It's a brand new trend. Everyone's talking about it. Sure, some nerds will tell you it's been around for 3500 years, but what do they know? Right now it's one of the hottest wellness trends and I really doubt the yogis of ancient India had iPhone apps (duh) so they clearly weren't doing it right, anyway! Since checking in with myself for 5 minutes a day my cortisol levels have plummeted and I'm feeling more zen than ever. My advice? Focus on you. Make time for self-love (Gross. Not like that. Perv) because at the end of the day wellness and the route to happiness is about putting yourself ahead of all others. Worried this will come across as selfish? Put a good filter on your pic and people will call it inspiring 😘

A post shared by Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) on Jun 29, 2017 at 5:31am PDT

FULL DISCLOSURE // OK, so my stag do wasn't as wellness as I thought. But if there's one thing I've learned from the amazing people on here it's that I'm not going to beat myself up about it. 50 pints in a weekend with your mates is nothing to be ashamed of. It was 💯. Did you know in just a few days your liver can reboot itself? Our bodies are amazing. And while most of the time it's our job to look after them. Right now I'm asking it to look after me! So hear I am. Owning it. I may have lost a couple of abs, but downing this nutritious red juice is helping me through my hangover and helping me get back on track for the week ahead. Wish me luck! Oh, and I've been away from the 'gram for too long!! Im sorry. I'm sure you've all missed me 😘

A post shared by Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) on Jun 5, 2017 at 11:45pm PDT

Seko "Delfi" arī Instagram vai YouTube profilā – pievienojies, lai uzzinātu svarīgāko un interesantāko pirmais!