Aizvadītā gada sākumā vispasaules slavu izpelnījās visnotaļ ekscentrisks austrāliešu mākslinieku pārītis – brīvdomātāji Mičs Gobels un Sallija Mustanga (abi attēlā), kuri sociālajos tīklos nekautrējās dalīties ar draiskām kopbildēm un erotiskiem pieredzes stāstiņiem par mīlēšanos. Tagad tapis zināms – mīlētāji pašķīrušies.

Miča un Sallijas filozofija bija, ka sekss ir pati skaistākā māksla no visām, un abi labprāt ar kārdinošiem foto un fantāziju rosinošiem stāstiem iedvesmoja arī citus biežāk meņģēties un nekautrēties izģērbties.

Austrāliešiem bija izdevies iemantot prāvu fanu armiju – simtiem tūkstošus fanu, kas jūsmoja par pārīša kaislīgo mīlu. Tiesa, nelabvēļi sprieda, ka Mičs un Sallija pārāk vaļsirdīgi runā par savām attiecībām un ne pie kā laba tas nenovedīšot, un aizvadītās nedēļas izskaņā abi pavēstījuši satraucošu ziņu – romantiskās attiecības izjukušas.

Mičs un Sallija skumjos jaunumus plašākai sabiedrībai atklājuši ar sociālo tīklu starpniecību, publicējot garas pārdomas par to, kā turpmāk abi dzīvos viens bez otra.

"Esmu pārliecināts, ka mēs vienmēr viens otru mīlēsim. Bet mums abiem nepietika tikai ar mīlestību. Mums abiem ir atvērts prāts, mēs vēlamies ņemt no dzīves visu, ko tā piedāvā – gan aizkustinošu mīlestību, gan neprātīgas sirds sāpes, gan to, kas tam visam ir pa vidu," sociālajā tīklā "Instagram" vēstījis Mičs.

A post shared by Mitch Gobel (@mitch.gobel) on May 12, 2017 at 2:21am PDT

Līdzīgus vārdus Mičam pēc šķiršanās veltījusi arī Sallija. Tiesa, abi vairījušies nosaukt konkrētu iemeslu, kāpēc divus gadus ilgušās attiecības izjukušas. Pārīša fani pieļauj, ka, iespējams, nesaskaņas radušās atkarību dēļ.

Mičs nesen atzinās, ka viņš jau gadiem ilgi ir atkarīgs no alkohola un narkotikām. "Savas dzīves zemākajā punktā es četras vai piecas dienas biju uzsēdies uz narkotikām, tad trīs vai četras dienas neizkāpu no gultas un atkopos. Es biju tikai atblāzma par cilvēku, spoks bez emocijām, enerģijas un mīlestības," nesenā intervijā izdevumam "Femail" bija sacījis Mičs.

Tiesa, pirms aptuveni pusotra mēneša vīrietis apņēmās uzvarēt atkarības, un ceļu uz atlabšanu viņš cītīgi dokumentē savā "Instagram" foto blogā. Mičam bez narkotikām un alkohola jau izdevies noturēties vairāk nekā 40 dienas.

If you love something set it free.. if it comes back it's yours - Mitch and Myself have taken a break from our relationship. It's has nothing to do with not loving one another but more to do with what is right and wrong for both of us right now. I am really proud of the relationship we share, it is so beautiful and creative. Everything we create and have created together holds the essence of such powerful love, A special magic. Twin flame. It's nice to know no matter what we can look back at all these wonderful things and see our love. We poured ourselves into one another and everything we did together for the last two years. We have always been so honest and open with everything and that is also something I am so proud of. We want to give each other's individuality an opportunity to grow right now. We are giving each other space and freedom, instead of turning something so amazing into something toxic. Of course I get upset, my heart hurts and I'm often confused. it's probably the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with, the fear is sometimes overwhelming. Suppressing those emotions is not my desire. I don't excuse how I feel. I sit with the hard moments and I learn from them. I have also probably made some mistakes along the way. But I have to remember the bigger picture. There is so much more to life then worrying whether or not someone wants to be with you or not. Or what the future will bring. It's coming regardless. Right now in this moment is what is important, and right now I need to be alone on my journey. I need to honour the essence of myself and love myself. Blossom and create on my own. Become independent and support my own path on this earth. Mitch also. We both have amazing gifts and messages to share with this world and it wouldn't be possible to give right now if we were together. Are you good to anyone if your not being good to yourself? Blaming anyone for your current situation is the surest way to stay in a problem. Understanding enables us to rise above the issue and take control of our future. See next post ..

A post shared by Sally Mustang (@sallymustang) on May 11, 2017 at 2:05am PDT

This space has been an Amazing outlet for myself and Mitch, and also an incredibly honest space. I'm sure you have all seen Mitch's story these last few days, and the raw real ness to my posts lately. I wanted to thank you all for reading, supporting and spreading love our way. Times are pretty tough for us right now, emotionally and spiritually I am quite lost. I feel broken and confused. I feel alone more then ever and I feel as though my best friend is just is not around when I need him the most. But that is expectations, expectations for love and for life. Love does not need any expectations, love is free to be whatever it fucking well wants. Love is real, and something this real is actually the most powerful thing I have ever experienced. I believe this will be my biggest transformation and yours too @mitchgobel_resinart . We will rise from this much stronger, much more fierce and much more determined. We will pour ourselves into all our creative passions and will create something so great from this. What I am trying to say is Trust in every moment of your life. Take everything as an opportunity and support the people you love always.

A post shared by Sally Mustang (@sallymustang) on Apr 6, 2017 at 2:55pm PDT

Goodbye phone reception - hello #fraserisland 🌺💦☀️ @sallymustang

A post shared by Mitch Gobel (@mitch.gobel) on Nov 19, 2016 at 4:30pm PST

Seko "Delfi" arī Instagram vai YouTube profilā – pievienojies, lai uzzinātu svarīgāko un interesantāko pirmais!