Фото: Publicitātes foto
Instagram практикующей обнаженную йогу модели покорил интернет. С каждым днем он становится все популярнее. Содержание — монохромные фото обнаженной девушки, выполняющей йогические асаны.

Автор, 25-летняя модель и фотограф, еще и пытается скрыть свою личность, при этом раскрывая все, что можно, и что нельзя.

В сети хватает фотографий, посвященных занятиям йогой (более 16,3 миллиона). Йога как физическая активность и духовная практика привлекает многих. Но снимки Nude Yoga Girl не имеют абсолютно ничего общего с любительскими кадрами занятий, широко распространенными в Instagram. Во-первых, это профессиональные съемки, выполненные с большим вкусом: хотя модель обнажена, автор так мастерски поработал с фото, что не получится разглядеть ничего чрезмерно откровенного. Во-вторых, молодая женщина обладает безупречной фигурой. И, наконец, ее уровень владения йогой далек от азов, что понятно даже тем, кто совершенно не в теме.

Количество фолловеров загадочной йогини перевалило за 41 тысячу, хотя аккаунт она завела менее месяца назад. Недостаток информации о себе девушка компенсирует обстоятельными подписями к фото, в которых делится жизненными наблюдениями, рассказывает о йоге и о том, как начать ее практиковать и полюбить свое тело.

How was your day?!❤ Mine was fine, but one thing touched me… I really admire people who are positive and can see things in good light. One of my loved ones had bad luck today. He is an athlete and got injured. It's very sad when your body is broken. Especially if you work with your body and have trained so hard.. One second can chance your next months. I'm not the best one to handle situations if things go differently than I thought. I really admire this person because somehow he finds a way to think that it could be worse. He actually always finds a way to think positively. Life has a habit to surprise us.. Both bad and good. We can't maybe change life events but how we react those, we can. If you can influence your thoughts you can influence your feelings. And feelings influence our acts. It’s not always easy to be positive, not at all. But those things in life that are difficult to learn are usually worth it. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Nov 30, 2015 at 3:42pm PST

"Почему черно-белое? Я хотела, чтобы фото были очень простыми и лаконичными. К тому же так проще спрятать интимные части тела тенью и полутенью. В монохроме нагота выглядит не так агрессивно".

My account is anonymous but if you want to know a bit more about me… @thecut / @nymag asked me a few questions. ❤ One of my answers below. Why did you want to create this account? I always try to find new ways to express myself. I'm very inspired by yoga and photography, so I wanted to bring the two of them together in a pure way. I also love to write and give people tips for healthier and happier lives. My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully. The way you look doesn't matter — anybody can see faults and have that feeling of not liking themselves. With my account I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of [doing] amazing things with their bodies. Yoga helped me accept my body exactly the way it is. Nowadays people can easily get a very false idea of ideal beauty and what nudity truly means because it's shown mostly in a sexual and unrealistic way. #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogini #art #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 9, 2015 at 6:54am PST

"Почему я создала этот аккаунт? Я всегда ищу новые пути самовыражения. Йога меня вдохновляет, как и искусство фотографии, и мне хотелось соединить их. Также я рада давать людям советы о том, как жить более здоровой и счастливой жизнью. Раньше я всегда видела в своем теле какие-то изъяны, и мне это мешало любить себя безоговорочно. То, как вы выглядите, совершенно не важно — любой может откопать в себе изъяны. В этом аккаунте я хочу показать, что абсолютно все красивы, и что мы можем творить удивительные вещи со своим телом. В наши дни люди не совсем понимают, что такое красота, а наготу воспринимают только в сексуальном, а не эстетическом контексте".

I wanted to take off everything unnecessary from the pictures on my account. Nudity in social media is a taboo but on the other hand the nakedness and rawness of my photos reflect well what I want to tell people with my account. ❤ Nowadays we easily determine how much we are worth with materialistic things. A new car, luxury hand bags or design furniture… We see ourselves as much better if we have a well trained body and our hair is shining after the hairdressers. Or am I wrong? ❤ Who we are does not equal with what we own. I believe it's something much more deeper. ❤ Materials trap you and make you selfish. Freedom comes when your happiness and satisfaction doesn't depend on materialistic things. ❤ I'm only on my first steps in the journey towards understanding all of this fully. I've however noticed that instead of pursuing wealth and pleasure, I pursue something much more permanent and fundamental. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 8, 2015 at 4:35am PST

"Многие вещи в жизни мы принимаем как должное. Здоровье, свободу, мир, работу, чистую воду, электричество, способность двигаться, семью, друзей, дом…"

I think yoga is absolutely for everyone. It doesn´t matter if you are overweight, inflexible, not sporty…or if you can´t sit down, relax and listen to your breath. It doesn´t matter if you have a terribble balance or if you have never tried yoga before. ❤ Because yoga is perfect for people who are not perfect (so everyone?). I say it like that because yoga gives you so much good feeling and acceptance. ❤ Of course yoga also develops you. You become stronger and more flexible if you keep practising. But you have to remeber that point of yoga is not to be able to stick your foot behind your head (I can´t do that neither at the moment). The point is to connect yourself to the deepest part of you. So there is no reason why you shouldn´t try yoga. ❤ You can start from a beginners class for example. Yogis never judge each other. Remeber also that everyone has been a beginner. I think that the more you practice yoga, the more you like it. So it takes time.. ❤ Yoga has many styles and anyone is able to find the right style that suits them the best. I would suggest to try out different yoga styles before making a decision if yoga is for you. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogini #art #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 10, 2015 at 5:19am PST

"Когда я только начинала этот проект, очень нервничала. Но подписчики меня поощряют и настроены крайне позитивно. Особенно я польщена и одновременно смущена тем, что многие пишут мне сообщения с вопросом, нельзя ли купить мои фото и сделать постер. Если честно, я об этом не думала…"

I've been so touched about the way people have responded to my account and understood my art.❤ A month ago I was very nervous about starting this account but you all have been very encouraging, positive and have shared your thoughts with me. Thank You❤ I've been especially baffled and happy about how many of you have sent me emails and DM's to ask me if I sell my photos or as posters. To be honest I hadn't even thougth about it beforehand and I planned to do this just as Instagram art. Should I seriously consider posters etc…?!? 🙊 #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 5, 2015 at 5:47am PST

I notice daily, how I take some things for granted if I don't stop to think about them… Health, freedom, peace, work, clean water, electricity, being able to move, family, friends, home.. ❤ Only when you lose one thing, you realize how precious and important it truly is. I try consciously to avoid this from happening and remind myself. Gratitude is one of the most important things in happiness. ❤ We have a habit of always wanting more. More and better… We moan about our own and how other people and the rest of the world is insufficient. If we concentrate less on our defects and think instead of all the things we can be happy about, we realize how rich we truly are. ❤ Every single one of us has many gifts. Many reasons to be happy and grateful for, even during tougher times. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 6, 2015 at 4:27am PST

"Я занимаюсь йогой уже очень давно, а с этого года — каждый день. В основном— дома самостоятельно, но иногда хожу в студию или беру интернет-уроки. На йогу приходится большая часть моей физической активности, хотя спорт вообще всегда играл в моей жизни важную роль, он делает меня счастливой, и я много чем занималась. Главное — найти то, что вам нравится".

A lot of people ask me about how often do I practice yoga and what sports do I do. I practice yoga daily and at the moment yoga is the biggest part of my training program. Sports have always been a big part of my lifestyle. Training gives me so much happiness. I do a lot of different sports. From gym to running, core workouts, dancing etc… ❤ The most important thing is to find something that you really like to do.That will keep your mind happy also. When the mind and the body are both happy, it brings the best result from whatever sport you do. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 4, 2015 at 5:46am PST

"Большую часть дня я провожу за компьютером, занимаясь умственным трудом. Приятно для разнообразия сделать что-то чисто физическое".

Today I want to write about courage. I've always tried to do things in my life that challenge me. But courage doesn't mean not getting scared or afraid of something. Courage means that fear is not going to stop you. I have feared many things in my life until I've done them. This account also requires courage from me.. But I think if you want to do something different in life you can't be too afraid of what all the other people are going to think about you. For me the meaning of life is to live fully.. And that means doing things with courage. Challenges make me feel alive. ❤ We can't always succeed but we can try again tomorrow. That is showing courage too. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Dec 2, 2015 at 3:06pm PST

"Если я бегаю или занимаюсь в зале, мои мысли могут блуждать. С йогой не так: когда выполняешь сложную позу, мир вокруг исчезает"

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