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2015. gada jūlijā Kasandra Depecola 2015. gadā sev uzstādījusi ambiciozu plānu – 27 gadus vecā amerikāniete gribēja pēc iespējas īsākā laikā apceļot visas ANO atzītās pasaules valstis, kas pašlaik ir 196.

Nepilnos 19 mēnešos viņai tas izdevies, raksta "". Lai arī viņa nav pirmā sieviete, kas apceļojusi visas pasaules valstis, Depecolai tomēr 2. februārī izdevies pārspēt iepriekšējo pasaules rekordu, jo viņa šo ceļojumu veikusi visīsākajā laikā, Iepriekšējais rekords bijis apceļot 196 valstis 39 mēnešos un 6 dienās. Pirms kāda laika stāstījām arī par Gunaru Garforu, kas apceļojis visu pasauli, tiesa to izdarot visa mūža garumā.

Interesanti, ka ceļotāja ne visās valstīs sagaidīta laipni. Piemēram, kā stāsta pati Kasandra, viņas acīs sariesušās asaras, kad Ziemeļkorejas robežsargs sagrābis viņas roku ciešākajā rokasspiedienā, kādu viņa jebkad jutusi, un teicis: "Mēs jūs iznīcināsim, Amerika!" Tomēr viņa atzinusi "CNN", ka pati savā mazajā veidā centusies nest pasaulē mieru, runājot ar cilvēkiem it visur, kur braukusi. Kā stāsta ceļotāja, pat ar jau minēto robežsargu viņa atradusi kopīgu valodu, jo, lai arī valstu valdības ir naidīgās attiecībās, nav iemesla, lai viņi abi nevarētu būt draugi un eksistēt vienlaikus.

Will probably go through one more of these bad boys before I finish #expedition196 💅🏽 #braggingrights

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@expedition_196) on Oct 13, 2016 at 8:04am PDT

Viņa savu "Ekspedīciju 196" sākusi salu valstī Palau 2015. gada vasarā. Neviens neesot ticējis, ka tik īsā laikā iespējams apskatīt pasauli, bet nākamie viņas mērķi bija Austrālija un Jaunzēlande. Savā mājaslapā "Expedition196" viņa publicējusi arī sava ceļojuma karti, bet "Facebook" daudzi sekotāji virtuāli piedalījušies visā viņas ceļojumā.

Savā pasaules ceļojumā Kasandra nolēmusi apskatīt ne tikai labo. Viņa sastapusies arī ar karu, izsalkumu, trūkumu, brutalitāti un netaisnību, raksta "". Tomēr nopietnas briesmas ceļotājai nav draudējušas, pat neņemot vērā to, ka viņas maršrutā bijusi arī Sīrija – veselus piecarpus mēnešus viņai nācies gaidīt tās vīzu, Kasandra atklājusi intervijā "CNN".

Lai veiktu ceļojumu pietiekami ātri, katrā valstī viņa pavadījusi vien divas līdz piecas dienas. Šādi bijuši nepieciešami 255 lidojumi un gandrīz 180 tūkstoši eiro, lai apceļotu pasauli. 27 gadus vecajai ceļotājai sava sapņa īstenošanai izdevies piesaistīt sponsorus, jo kā viņa atzina, citādi šāds brauciens nebūtu iespējams. Viņas atbalstītāju vidū bijušas arī vairākas aviolīnijas un luksusa klases viesnīcas.

Ceļotāja 2015. gada nogalē pabijusi arī visās trīs Baltijas valstīs – Latviju Kasandra apmeklējusi kā 63. savā ceļā.

Something about tonight's #sunset... • • • #Expedition196 #PeaceThroughTourism #EveryCountryInTheWorld

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@expedition_196) on Nov 21, 2015 at 6:45am PST

Relish your own sacred experiences of travel, no two one is better or worse given the circumstances 👁👁 • • • Still, many people think that spending even a day in a country doesn't count as actually "being there", let alone the providing one the ability to "experience" anything. I know a lot of you who follow my journey are travelers, so I'm going to ask you to chime in on this in the comments section down below. Tell me the best experiences you have had in the shortest amount of time in a country. How did time impact your experience? What made your experience so memorable? Do you think if you had stayed there longer, it would have made for a more powerful experience or was the drive to maximize time what made that experience all the more enriching? 🤔 • • • Some of the most powerful and life-changing experiences I've had during my travels, happened over the course of an hour or two. On a bus heading to Chile after a short stay in Bolivia, I sat next to a local Bolivian woman who shared tons of local indigenous fruits with me and we shared a long, amazing conversation in my broken Spanish and her broken English. This was the best "Bolivian" experience I'd had and it happened over the course of 4 hours. I even lived in Bolivia for 2 months years ago and didn't have the opportunity to meet someone so intriguing nor taste such eclectic local fruits, in those two months. Or in North Korea, where the most powerful handshake of my life happened with the soldier in this photo. It was 5 minutes of power and fear that shaped my life in a major way. I could go on and on but the bottom line is; yes, 2 days is more than enough. Maximize your time, leave all preconceptions at the door to allow for the ability to dive in head first, and let the unknown of these quick yet deep experience win you over. Sometimes we need to let go of this theory of time determining whether or not we are able to gain a sense of place. Sometimes... that one experience is just enough to peak your interests to want to go back in the future to dive for something deeper. But then again, maybe not. 🗝 • • • So... what are some of yours?! 🌏🏃🏼♀️

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@expedition_196) on Jan 2, 2017 at 8:33pm PST

Let's Talk Money: Part II 💸 Still, so many questions coming in about getting sponsored. "I want a sponsor", "I want sponsors to pay for my travels", etc. • • • Let me be frank, finding sponsors is not easy, in fact for me, besides the visas, keeping a steady cash flow was the most difficult aspect of this Expedition. About 8 months in, I was really struggling and had to keep taking breaks to come home to be proactive in reaching out to potential companies again. And we're not taking 10-20, we're taking 500-1,000. Sorry to disappoint, but companies will not give you their money just for you to "travel". It's essential that you have a purpose, a Mission, and an end result to make them see the value in contributing to your project, even if that project includes travels. To be honest, I had already traveled to 25 countries on my own with my own money where I backpacked and worked along the way to maximize the $2k that I saved the summer prior, and made it work. This trip for me wasn't about seeing the world and enjoying myself, I needed it to be WAY more than that if I was to dispel all of my energy taking this huge risk. I consider myself a salesperson. I offer these companies something that benefits their business and in return, they provide my company with cash/goods/services. • • • Once you've found your: A) Passion B) Purpose C) Mission and D) Have committed yourself to your vision Here are some tips as to finding funding for your project (any project, but let's use travel in this case)... • Develop your brand/company into something marketable (read books, do your research, craft your business plan) • Get a non-profit or two to back you up, endorse you, even fund your venture • Find a mentor • Make business cards • Network. Find conferences, professional events, use LinkedIn, etc. Make friends with the people within your industry and develop proper connections • Create a proposal, sponsorship deck and short pitch • Develop an Excel spreadsheet of all the companies that resonate with your values • Find their emails and, • Pitch your proposal/deck --- Hopefully these tips will get you one step closer towards achieving your travel/career goals. 🌝🌎

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@expedition_196) on Nov 20, 2016 at 10:30pm PST

To experience some kind of control, sometimes you just have to let go. 🏔

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@expedition_196) on Jul 9, 2016 at 6:17am PDT

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