Foto: Shutterstock

Ja kādu dienu esi jutusies nepārliecināta par savu ķermeni, met šaubas pie malas! Izcelies ar savu unikalitāti un neatkārtojamo stilu! Piedāvājam Marie Claire apkopotus 13 Instagram kontus, kas liks tev iemīlēt savu ķermeni ik dienu arvien vairāk.

Koncentrējies uz ķermeņa daļu, kas tev sevī visvairāk patīk! Ņem piemēru no Steisijas Beikeres (Stacey Baker), kura savā "Instagram" kontā publicē bildes, kur redzamas tikai viņas kājas.

40th between 7th & 8th, @sj__art

A photo posted by stace_a_lace (@stace_a_lace) on May 13, 2015 at 4:24am PDT

Nekautrējies parādīt savus tetovējumus, pīrsingus un košos matus. Izcelies uz citu fona ar savu individuālo stilu!

I feel this look deep in my bones @ikuto90 ✨🔮✨ RIGHT_BRACKET use #alternativecurves for a chance to be featured, please no DM'sLEFT_BRACKET ~ @margotmeanie 🌙 #Repost @ikuto90 with @repostapp. ・・・ Feeling gothic, sexy, confident and overall beautiful. Loving life! ,💀👻❤💋🎃 @effyourbeautystandards . #torrid #torridmodel #torridinsider #torridmacarther #torrid #plussize #plussizefashion #curveefashion #curvee #effyourbodystandards #effyourbeautystandards #alternativecurves #chubby #chubbybunnies #green #mermaidhair #greenhair #bodypositive #loveyourself #thickgirl #fashion #hottopic #iamsimplybeautifulmovement #honoryourcurves #mytorridstory #selfie #gothic #livingdeadgirl #halloween

A photo posted by #alternativecurves 🌙🔮✨ (@alternativecurves) on Oct 20, 2015 at 4:59pm PDT

Mīli savu ādu un ķermeni. Piemēram, America’s Next Top Model dalībniece, kurai ir ādas slimība vitiligo, nekautrējas publiskot bildes, kurās viņa redzama pilnībā. Šantele Brauna - Janga (Chantelle Brown-Young) ir kļuvusi par iedvesmas avotu citām sievietēm, lai viņas iemīlētu sevi tādas, kādas ir.

Café Chronicles by @chomellephoto

A photo posted by ♔Winnie♔ (@winnieharlow) on Dec 14, 2015 at 7:59am PST

Neatļauj vispārpieņemtiem standartiem sevi sāpināt. Atrodi tajā visā mazu kripatiņu humora devas. Lauz stereotipus!

Pievienojies tūkstošiem sieviešu, kuras nekaunas par savu dabisko izskatu un atzīst, ka arī viņām var būt nelielas izskata nepilnības!

Esi starp cilvēkiem, kuri tevi iedvesmo. Ņem piemēru no šī Instagram konta, kurā sievietes atklāj, ka mīl savu ķermeni tādu, kāds tas ir.

Piepildi savus sapņus! Lūk, modele, kura satrieca pasauli ar savu drosmi - Tesa Holideja, 50. izmēra īpašniece!

Shot for @theuntitledmagazine #GirlPower issue in stores now ✌🏼️ This is my body with very minimal photoshop, but make no mistake that I think photoshop is an essential part of my industry. When I first started modeling I wasn't as comfortable with my arms or tummy but now, I love all of it 💯! Most of the images you see daily in the media, magazines, etc have been photoshopped & you would have no idea. I don't believe in using it to distort someone's body or make them slimmer, but to smooth lines in clothes, or amping up the colors.. Hell yes! Have any of you ever used a filter on Instagram? *gasp!* Thats the same thing. As a model I have ZERO control over how a photo is edited or the final result but work with the best in the industry & stand by my work👌🏽 So yes, you can #effyourbeautystandards by using photoshop, makeup & a wind machine. At the end of the day, I'm doing the impossible by even being a model in the body I'm in. It's about being unapologetically YOU.. Whatever that means 💋📷@indiracesarine

A photo posted by ➕Size Model | Mom | Feminist♋️ (@tessholliday) on Sep 29, 2015 at 9:15am PDT

Sporto un esi vienmēr kustībā. Sameklē domubiedrus, nekautrējies parādīt savu ķermeni. Nodarbojies ar to, kas tev sniedz iedvesmu un dalies tajā!

Lepojies ar savu ķermeni, izcel to! Cel savu pašapziņu, kaut uzvelkot savu mīļāko kleitu un iemūžinot savas skaistās ķermeņa aprises fotogrāfijās! Iejūties modeles tēlā un sarīko neaizmirstamu fotosesiju!

Pieņem savas dzīves jaunos posmus. Piemēram, Sports Illustrated modele Robina Lavlija (Robyn Lawley) publiskojusi apskatei sava ķermeņa pārmaiņas, jo kļuvusi par jauno māmiņu.

#tigerstripes #loveyourbodynow read about this photo via my FB link in bio and why it means so much to me 😘😘😘

A photo posted by Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley) on Oct 22, 2015 at 10:50am PDT

Holivudas slavenību trenere Dženeta Dženkinsa (Jeanette Jenkins) dalās savā Instagram kontā ar ēšanas paradumiem un veselīga dzīvesveida ievērošanu.

Football Sunday🏈🏈🏈 & Sunday brunch 😋JJ style! ❤️ 2 #OrganicEggs Over Medium, organic #BabyBroccoli one half of #Ezekiel Raisin English Muffin with all organic fruit jam, #OrganicBacon Organic Mixed Greens with balsamic dressing & one of my favorite #GreenSmoothies (Spinach, Orange,Strawberry, Ice & Water) 😁😁😁💪🏽❤️Yummy! I'm saving the smoothie for a snack later because I'm full! 😁 It looks like a lot of food but it's HIGH #Nutrient Value & #LowCalorie ❤️ Plate of #Eggs Bacon #BabyBroccoli and #Ezekiel is 300calories #GreenSmoothie is 90calories & #SideSalad is 50calories.❤️If you need help planning healthy meals then join our club @hollywoodtrainerclub and we provide you with weekly #HealthyMealPlans with all of my favorite recipes! Yummy! Yummy! #HealthIsWealth #FootballSunday #SundayBrunch #HealthyLiving #JeanetteJenkins #NutritionTips #TheHollywoodTrainerClub

A photo posted by Jeanette Jenkins (@msjeanettejenkins) on Nov 1, 2015 at 12:13pm PST

Joga ir veids, kā ne tikai mediēt, bet arī likt iemīlēt savu ķermeni vēl vairāk, būt līdzsvarā ar sevi. Ņem piemēru no Reičelas Brathrenas (Rachel Brathren)!

We are tiny particles of dust in an inconceivably large universe. #perspective

A photo posted by Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on Oct 15, 2015 at 4:53pm PDT

Esi stipra un pārliecināta sieviete. Vairo savu seksuālo pievilcību, apmeklējot treniņus, kuros iegūsi pozitīvas emocijas un enerģiju visas dienas garumā!

Seko "Delfi" arī Instagram vai YouTube profilā – pievienojies, lai uzzinātu svarīgāko un interesantāko pirmais!