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Sociālajos tīklos pēdējā laikā īpaši sasparojušās meitenes, kuras var lepoties ar brangām formām. Akcijas Don't hate the shake ietvaros resnītes no visas pasaules tīmeklī dalās ar video, kuros krata savus apaļumus.

Kā vēsta ārvalstu mediji, šīs kustības aizsācēja ir 27 gadus vecā amerikāniete Melisa Gibsone. Šī gada sākumā viņa savā Instagram blogā (ar to iespējams iepazīties šeit) publicēja video, kurā, tērpusies apakšveļā, dricelē miesu uz velna paraušanu.

Meitene savam danču sižetam bija pievienojusi mirkļbirku #donthatetheshake, un pēdējā laikā tā izpelnījusies lielu popularitāti. Amerikāņu resnītes piemēram sekojušas daudzas citas apalītes visā pasaulē.

Simtiem sieviešu sociālajā tīklā Instagram padalījušās ar video, kuros nekautrīgi krata savus apaļumus, un nesen tapis arī unikāls blogs, kurā vienuviet apkopoti paši izteiksmīgākie danču sižeti.

Yes!!!!! Twist and Shout!!!! Girl your #donthatetheshake videos are always epic!!! Love it!!! Check out @jewelzjourney y'all! - Melly #Repost @jewelzjourney with @repostapp. ・・・ UNDERWEAR ADJUSTMENT: I use to be so embarrassed of adjusting my clothes not to mention my underwear, so what if some of them don't reach my hips and slide down when I jump around. I'm not afraid of people knowing or adjusting them anymore. Its something iv done my whole life and I don't think it's ever going to really change, and I accept that! #bigandblunt #donthatetheshake #thickthighs #twistandshout #pizzasisters4lyfe #plus_isamust #allbodiesaregoodbodies #imnoangel #iamsizesexy #girlswithglasses #honormycurves #riotsnotdiets #DAREtoWear #losehatenotweight #curvee #curvesreign #curvesarein #fatbottomgirls #additionelle #fatfriday #legalizethunderthighs #effyourbodystandards #effyourbeautystandards #fuckyourbeautystandards #FuckFatPhobia #celebratemysize #bodyacceptence #bodyconfidence #thickthighs 👙💃👙💃👙💃👙💃

A video posted by Melly, Christi, Ali, Ashley (@donthatetheshake) on Nov 1, 2015 at 4:19pm PST

Happy Birthday @glitterandlazers!!! A few days late but we love that you celebrated with #donthatetheshake and with you body in motion!!!! 🎂🎂🎂💜💛💚💙💛💜 #Repost @glitterandlazers with @repostapp. ・・・ It's my birthday, lets freaking dance. I first got introduced to dancehall +soca taking dance gym classes in London. But I for realz became addicted when I met my former roommate @petite_stuff_ .She was short, feisty and whines like a boss. She also was not afraid to do alcohol induced splits pretty much anywhere. I swear have enough drunk splits photos of that girl to start a fake yoga account. My fav story is when we first met, I started playing this song. Home girl magically threw her left leg up on the balcony (which at her height is practically behind her head), started whining against it and screamed in her guyanese accent something to the accord of "this is the clean version of this song, I prefer the dirty version of everything." That was that. She was officially my partner in crime in foggy LUHNDUHN and soon I was that token white girl at all Caribbean events. #dance #soca #plussize #happybirthday #donthatetheshake

A video posted by Melly, Christi, Ali, Ashley (@donthatetheshake) on Nov 1, 2015 at 4:07pm PST

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