Pasauli pāršalkusi ļoti skumja vēsts – 46 gadu vecumā miris slavenību treneris, amerikāņu kultūrists Ričs Piana (attēlā), kurš savas dzīves laikā neslēpa kaislību pret steroīdu lietošanu.

Sēru vēsti plašākai sabiedrībai ar sociālo tīklu starpniecību paziņojusi kultūrista oficiālā sieva Sāra, kura piektdien, 25. augustā, "Facebook" tīklā atklājusi, ka viņas vīrs nomiris.

"Tu patiešām pieskāries tik daudzu cilvēku sirdīm un tik daudziem palīdzēji! Tas, cik liela bija tava ietekme uz cilvēkiem visapkārt, mani ļoti iedvesmoja," vēstījusi Sāra.

Allaž modrais izdevums "TMZ" vēsta, ka Piana 10. augustā piedzīvojis sabrukumu. Viņa draudzene Šanela Džensena izsaukusi ātro palīdzību, jo viņai radušās aizdomas, ka vīrietis ir kaut ko pārdozējis.

Kad ieradušies ārsti, Piana nav reaģējis uz notiekošo, tāpēc viņš nogādāts slimnīcā, kur viņam mākslīgi izraisīta koma, bet viņš tā arī no tās nav atmodies, un šonedēļ vīrieša sirds apstājusies.

Pianas slavas pamatā ir ne tik daudz profesionālie sasniegumi, cik viņa vizuālais izskats. Vīrietis vienmēr lepojies ar brangiem muskuļiem un nekad nav slēpis – paralēli regulāriem treniņiem un smagumu cilāšanai viņš ikdienā lieto anaboliskos steroīdus.

Piana aktīvi rosījās sociālajos tīklos, kur viņam bija izdevies sapulcēt ievērojamu atbalstītāju pulku. Lai gan daži šausminājās par viņa izskatu un dēvēja viņu par aptrakušu, netrūka tādu, kas kultūristu slavēja par viņa drosmi godīgi atzīties, ka viņš iecienījis steroīdus.

I'm in tears writing this that @1dayumay has just passed away. I can barely believe this... I am so saddened & heartbroken that he didn't make it. I just want to say THANK YOU Rich for teaching me so much about life, whether it was the easy or the hard way. We had our ups and downs but we sure had an awesome time in each other's presence along with us fighting through some dark times together. You truly touched many people's heart and helped so many!!! It inspired me in many ways to see the huge impact you had on people all over the world. Not many people know that me and him are STILL legally married till this day despite all rumors. I have NOTHING to gain by saying that but want everyone to know the truth. I know that people say stuff on social media but I truly am not the "bad" person people think I am. I actually saved Rich's life 1 time before, glad I was there for him at that time. Rich, I hope you feel better now in heaven and that you're up there healthy, smiling & telling everyone "how it is, being REAL & doing your thing". Rest In Peace my dear husband. #GoneButNeverForgotten #RichPiana #RIP 😢 🙏🏼❤️. P.S. I want to wish my deepest condolence to Chanel @c_no5 and thanking her for being there for him, loving him & showing him support. You're an angel. We will all miss him so much, may his soul & spirit Rest In Peace Forever🙏🏼. XOXO Sara Piana. . . . #Repost @1dayumay (@get_repost) ・・・ Great weekend together @sara.piana and I had some nice time together since we didn't film the Bigger By The Day videos over the weekend!! It was some much needed quality time together!! Your time is everything and make sure you spend it right it's something you can't get back! #welcometoourworld #whateverittakes #livinthedream #loveitkillit #1dayumay #richpiana #queenofbeautykingofbeast #love #whateverittakes

A post shared by Sara Piana 👑 ( on Aug 25, 2017 at 3:36am PDT

Our issues aside there was a time I loved this man @1dayumay . I married him for no other reason than LOVE. Unfortunately for reasons I won't get into at this time, I felt I had to get away and left with nothing but the clothes on my back. I know he loved me and I know he was upset when he posted that video about me but no matter what he said out of hurt, I still don't wish this on him. I truly hope he makes it through this dark time and I know if anyone can, it's him. I know he's surrounded by love and support and I will continue to send prayers his way🙏🏼 ... This picture I took of him at Gold's NoHo symbolizes his attitude in life or staring death in the face. #WhateverItTakes #RightBabe #Yep #NeverGiveUp #Fight #FuckWhatYouThink #5PercentersForLife #RichPiana #PositiveVibes #StayStrong #PrayForPiana @5percentnutrition

A post shared by Sara Piana 👑 ( on Aug 16, 2017 at 11:53pm PDT

Get Huge and Stretch God Damn it!! #monstersdoexist #function #mobility #stretch #5percenters #forlife

A post shared by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on Dec 9, 2016 at 4:56am PST

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