Daudzi savu ikdienu nespēj iztēloties bez regulāras sportošanas un fiziskajām aktivitātēm. Satriecoša ķermeņa dēļ daži gatavi riskēt ar visu – pat dzīvību. Sabiedrības ievērību izpelnījies bijušās amerikāņu fitnesa modeles Madelainas Mūnas (attēlā) skaudrais stāsts.

25 gadus vecā skaistule no Kolorādo publiski padalījusies ar savām pārdomām par cilvēku apsēstību ar izskatu, kā arī atklājusi, ar kādām grūtībām viņai pašai nācies saskarties, izmisīgi tiecoties pēc slaida vidukļa, tvirta ķermeņa un izteiksmīga muskuļu reljefa.

Madelaina intervijā izdevumam "The Daily Mail" izklāstījusi fitnesa aizkulises. Laikā, kad viņa bijusi fitnesa modele, meitene jutusies izolēta no apkārtējās pasaules, nemitīgi izjutusi bailes, izsalkumu un bijusi bezgala nelaimīga.

Drastiskas diētas, fanātiski treniņi un vēdergāzes


"Fitnesa modeles darbs bieži vien tiek pasniegts kā fitness, bet patiesībā daudzām meitenēm ir ēšanas traucējumi. Es ziedoju daudz laika, tiecoties pēc perfektā ķermeņa," intervijā "The Daily Mail"sacījusi Madelaina.

Meitene atsaukusi atmiņā, ka viņa katru rītu cēlusies ļoti agri, divas reizes dienā vairākas stundas trenējusies, piecus mēnešus pārtikusi tikai no vistas gaļas, olu baltumiem, auzu pārslām, zemesriekstu sviesta, brokoļiem un, protams, proteīna kokteiļiem.

"Es pilnībā novērsos no draugiem un ģimenes," sacījusi Madelaina, piebilstot, ka uztura speciālists viņai ieteicis sešus mēnešus pilnībā no savas ēdienkartes izslēgt augļus.

Kādā brīdī Madelaina aptvērusi, ka, lai arī ko viņa ēstu un cik daudz trenētos, viņa tāpat ienīst savu ķermeni.

"Mana ķermeņa tauku procents bija 6,5. Proteīna dēļ man bija pasaulē nelāgākās vēdergāzes, un viss, par ko spēju domāt – cilvēki manās bērēs varēs teikt, ka esmu pārtikusi tikai no "tīra ēdiena"," stāstījusi bijusī fitnesa modele.

Fitnesam Madelaina pievērsusies uzreiz pēc koledžas, un viņa ar to nodarbojusies trīs gadus. Nemitīgi treniņi, fanātiska sekošana līdzi uzturam, dažādu diētu ievērošana – Madelaina darījusi visu, lai iegūtu savu sapņu ķermeni. Tiesa, tajā pašā laikā viņa jutusies ļoti nelaimīga.

I know for a fact that being a fitness model, meditative yogi, juice cleanse queen or a ripped bodybuilder does not bring the happiness you're told about. (Trust me, I've been all of those things!) . You see, this picture used to be me. My frame here is SO much smaller than where I sit when I'm at my healthiest; on the inside I was miserable, insecure, and desperate for body freedom. . At a very young age, I became obsessed with how food made me look. . I had a body that took the place of relationships, mental health, satiation, sleep, food, my period, laughter, metabolism, happiness, intuition, hormonal health, traveling, spontaneity and everything else important in life. . You're shown pictures of "fit" and thin bodies all day long. Whether it's for a perfume commercial, a new-and-improved diet pill, a fitness program, or a restaurant, it's still the same body time and time again. . What you DON'T see is behind-the-scenes, where the following happens: . Isolation . Bloat, gas, and irritable bowel reactions due to non-clean foods, unexpected foods, or anything that's not in your diet-approved meal plan . The disappearance of menstruation . The tears and depression caused by these consequences . Food fears . Emotional eating . Weight gain . Anxiety . And loads more… . Today, my purpose is to nip these societal pressures in the bud because the "behind-the-scenes" is where REAL life happens. . Take my word for it: Leanness can not make up for a lack of life. Without my spray tan, glittery suit, and oil, I was really just a young girl dreaming of body freedom.

A photo posted by Madelyn Moon (@madelynmoon) on Jun 13, 2016 at 4:13pm PDT

Can we talk about the irony of having a "perfect" body but haven't nothing to do with it? I took this photo the day after my fitness competition, thinking it would be a sexy shot. Looking back, I can see so clearly that I was drawn to this shot because it demonstrated exactly how I felt at the time. I was a prisoner. I was chained and weighed down by my dieting and fitness routine. I hated my body and my life but I couldn't stop pushing myself more and more towards "perfection." In truth, I was tired and upset when I took this photo. I didn't place where I wanted to place during the competition the day before. I ate a pop tart after the show to celebrate, but felt like a failure for eating such a "bad" food. I created an anxiety-ridden stomachache. I was retaining water (naturally) but I felt guilty for if I could have controlled that. I let my family go back home, three hours away, without saying goodbye because I didn't want their breakfast plans to get in the way of my strict morning workout and diet routine before this photo shoot. My heart hurts for that girl, but I am overjoyed at where I am today. I weigh at least 15 lbs more than I did here but that's not all I gained. I gained my family. I gained friends. I gained food freedom. I gained intuitive moment. I let go of perfection, expectations, and my constant need to control. I am free and you can be too. Put down the weights and the chains and break through the walls you have put up around yourself. You CAN be free. It all starts with making the choice.

A photo posted by Madelyn Moon (@madelynmoon) on May 4, 2016 at 3:30pm PDT

THE FEAR OF EATING OUT . Years ago, any time that I DID manage to make my way to a restaurant, I spent the entire time calculating calories and doing restaurant math, completely missing out on the conversation happening with my dining companions . "If I had eggs for breakfast, that means I can afford some carbs for lunch. I can get the sandwich with bread and a side salad, or I can skip the bread and just have the meat and cheese, so that I can have fries as a side. But if I have fries, I should make sure there is no olive oil in my carbless sandwich so that I don't eat too much oil. Or, I could order the salmon with broccoli and have two pieces of bread in the bread basket…" . I suffered from something called orthorexia, an eating disorder where one is obsessed with healthy or "pure" eating . In this article, I give you THREE reasons to start eating out more (or even for every meal for awhile!) if you suffer from the same mental turmoil. Click link in bio to read. Tag a friend who could use this advice below! 👯👇🏼

A photo posted by Madelyn Moon (@madelynmoon) on Jun 6, 2016 at 4:39am PDT

Beidziet sociālajos tīklos sekot fitnesa modelēm!


22 gadu vecumā meitene piedalījusies savās otrajās fitnesa sacensībās. Tas bijis lūzuma punkts – viņa beidzot sapratusi, ka kaut kas nav pareizi.

"Jau ceturto reizi dzīvē man pazuda mēnešreizes, un es paniski baidījos no visa, kas satur taukus," savas dzīves grūto periodu "The Daily Mail" raksturojusi Madelaina.

Meitene, nevienam neko nesakot, nomainījusi savu dzīvesvietu un pamazām sākusi atkopties. "Tajā laikā es strādāju arī par fitnesa treneri un dietoloģi, bet nolēmu vairs nepieņemt klientus. Pārtraucu ieturēt diētas un vairs nerakstīju fitnesa blogu.

Tā vietā es sāku publicēt motivācijas runas, uz laiku pārtraucu apmeklēt sporta zāli un ēdu picu – darīju visu iespējamo, lai atveseļotos. Tas bija smagākais, ko jebkad dzīvē esmu darījusi, un es joprojām biju nelaimīga, bet pamazām atkopos," stāstījusi Madelaina.

Kā skaidrojusi meitene, viņa joprojām sporto un seko līdzi savam uzturam, taču viņa to dara piesardzīgi un saprāta robežās.

"Mans padoms visām jaunajām meitenēm, kuras nav apmierinātas ar savu ķermeni – pametiet sociālos tīklus, beidziet sekot visām tām fitnesa modelēm un mēģiniet saprast, kas jūs patiesībā esat bez proteīna pudeles.

Ja vēlaties izjust vainas apziņu, internetā to var dabūt gatavu sešdesmit sekundēs. Lai gan tas šķiet grūti, jūs tomēr varat būt laimīgas.

Es izvēlos prieku un jūtos daudz relaksētāka un mierīgāka," motivējošu padomu sniegusi Madelaina. Sīkāku informāciju par Madelainas gaitām iespējams uzzināt viņas mājaslapā, kas apskatāma šeit.

Tony Robbins says "complexity is the death of productivity" and I've found nothing to be closer to the truth.⠀ .⠀ My "3 In 3" system is simple. Easy? Maybe not. But simple, definitely.⠀ .⠀ Break up your goals into 3's that you want to see come to fruition every 3 months.⠀ .⠀ I give myself 3 goals that I want to accomplish within the first 3 months of the year. The goals range from being spiritual, emotional, relational, physical and financial.⠀ .⠀ So for January to March, I will pick three simple goals I want to see happen. For example, let's say I want to make $7,000 each month, travel out of the country once and have a more consistent spiritual practice. These 3 goals are great because they are practical, achievable and immediate. I can begin working on them now, and I know I have a timeline to accomplish them: three months.⠀ .⠀ Watch the latest video on my website (link in bio) for more insight and instruction! After going through it, comment with your 3 goals below! 👇🏼

A photo posted by Madelyn Moon (@madelynmoon) on Dec 20, 2016 at 4:05pm PST

In 2011, I decided I couldn't handle the overwhelming sensation of being "out of control" of what people thought about me. To cope, I took matters into my own hands. . I set out to create the perfect body, hoping it would make me bulletproof to fear, pain and rejection. . I thought that if I could accomplish this goal, I would be able to fill a massive hole in my heart. I thought maybe, just maybe, perfection would complete me. . When that didn't work (because of course it didn't), I bounced to food. Maybe eating perfectly will give me that feeling. . It wasn't until I stopped searching for some "thing" to fill my heart and turned to some ONE to fill my heart that I finally found the peace, joy and complete-ness I was looking for. . I do not consider myself to be religious. Religion is organized and structured. A lot of it comes with check boxes you have to complete in order to do things right. . I don't like living in that way (I lived most of my life checking off boxes, I don't want to do that in my spiritual life). . Instead, I believe myself to be a Christ follower. A God addict. A Jesus freak. I love God, and I love human beings. . Jesus + Everything = Nothing. . Jesus + Nothing = Everything. . I want to bring that same realization to you if it's something you want to try. What do you have to lose, in all seriousness? Your body hasn't brought you the satisfaction you thought it would. Your money hasn't. Your food hasn't. . Why not try out faith? . If you haven't yet taken the leap and signed up for Scripture, Food, and Healing, the count down for the 50% off price has started ($200 off). . If you join while the program is just $297.99, the six-week course boils down to only $7 a day. . Imagine completely loving your body, having a fantastic relationship with food, and believing in something bigger than just yourself, for only $7 a day. Do you think you could cut back on a few lattes or t-shirts that just sit in your closet in order to afford this? . If you have a reason holding you back, let me know...what is it? I'll respond to them all. . Go HERE to register (it's self-paced): 👉🏼

A photo posted by Madelyn Moon (@madelynmoon) on Jul 22, 2016 at 4:57pm PDT

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