Gadiem ilgi dabas draugi un dzīvnieku mīļi rāvušies melnās miesās, lai izskaustu radībiņu audzēšanu kažokādu vajadzībām, taču visiem zināms - ja ir pieprasījums, būs arī piedāvājums. Sociālos tīklus sākušas pārpludināt daiļavas, kas lepni pozē kažokos.

Sociālajos tīklos arvien lielāku popularitāti gūst tēmturis #RealFur jeb "dabīgā kažokāda", un tas ne pa jokam satraucis dzīvnieku tiesību aizstāvjus. Arī interneta lietotāju vidū mirkļbirka izpelnījusies neviennozīmīgu novērtējumu.

Kā jau tas noprotams pēc stulbinga nosaukuma, tā ietvaros sociālo tīklu lietotāji dalās ar bildītēm, kurās dižojas ar saviem siltajiem un, pats galvenais, dabīgās ādas kažokiem, apkaklēm, cepurēm un citiem apģērba gabaliem, kuru dēļ nelabu galu ņēmuši daudzi dzīvnieciņi.

Tabloīdi ziņo, ka šogad modē atgriezušās dabīgās kažokādas, un daudzu slavenu zīmolu kolekcijās atrodami grezni, dārgi un pūkaini kažoki. Tas, iespējams, ir viens no iemesliem, kāpēc mirkļbirka pēdējā laikā piesaistījusi tik daudz interesentu.

Likumsakarīgi, ka modes blogeri un sabiedrības dāmas seko jaunākajām tendencēm. Savukārt sociālie tīkli sniedz iespēju padižoties citiem, ka esi varen stilīgs un tērpies kā tikko no modes skates izkāpis.

many misconceptions about #fur hood trim! Many think it is just for decoration but this is far from accurate. Why do you think that traditional Arctic parkas have a huge fur ruff? The fur will prevent the wind from blowing into the hood when it is up and it creates an area of calm and warm air around your face. The effect of wind blowing against your face is called 'bow wave effect' and real fur interrupts this sufficiently to protect you. Real fur is a more effective barrier than faux fur. Real fur also prevents 'frosting' from moisture; the best fur for this is wolverine, which used to be used on aviation jacket hoods (it is VERY cold that far up!) but other long hair types work too. Get moisture in your synthetic fur and it will soak through and even freeze, whereas moisture can just brush off long real fur. So, a fur hood on a parka is functional and protective for your face. I really notice the difference when I wear my hood up and the wind doesn't sting my face at all. Many people think that fur is only warm when it is wrapped closely to the body (for some reason, many people also think that fur is only warm when on the inside of the garment... But how many animals do you see wearing their fur inside out?) but in terms of physics, its air trapping and disrupting properties are more effective than you can imagine. #fur #trendy #ootn #furs #fashion #Physics #parka #trim #hairstyle #ootn #themoreyounkow #foxfur #coat #realfur #furlove #luxury #fur #furcoat #realfur #smile #beautiful #itgirl #girl #l4l #likeforlike #longhair #luxe #bag #fourure #pels #hair #hairstyle #oote .

A photo posted by @the_fur_lover on Jan 31, 2016 at 5:59pm PST

Little bit of work fur action 😊#furlover #realfur #fur

A photo posted by @funnycupcakes1 on Jan 31, 2016 at 1:38pm PST

💋💋💋💋#furlover #foxfur #furcoat #fur #realfur

A photo posted by @funnycupcakes1 on Jan 31, 2016 at 1:35pm PST

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