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Jutas un Ginta "Instagram" foto blogos, kuriem ir vairāki desmiti tūkstoši sekotāju, var smelties idejas ne tikai veselīgam dzīvesveidam, bet arī skaistiem tuvu un tālu zemju ceļojumiem.

Pāris savus izbraucienus dokumentē foto un īso video stāstiņu formātā, ļaujot arī saviem sekotājiem gūt iespaidus un, iespējams, izvērtēt arī, vai pašiem ir vērts doties uz konkrēto valsti.

Par savu nesenāko galamērķi Juta un Gints izraudzījušies Bali, kur abi pirmoreiz viesojās pirms trim gadiem. Kā atklājusi Juta, no visām zemēm, kur viņa jebkad pabijusi, tieši Bali esot viņai vismīļākā.

Ceļojuma ietvaros Valdmaņi ne tikai apskatījuši izdaudzinātas vietas, tempļus un kultūras pieminekļus, novērtējuši dabas varenību un vietējo kolorītu, bet Juta arī atzīmējusi savu 30 gadu jubileju.

Pāra piedzīvojumi Bali dokumentēti vairākos foto, kuru aprakstos Valdmaņi arī padalījušies ar noderīgu informāciju un padomiem citiem ceļotājiem. Tā, piemēram, pāris piedzīvojis nepatīkamu incidentu valūtas maiņas bodītē, un Juta aicinājusi arī citus nezaudēt modrību.

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Last night at Seminyak and super happy to go elsewhere ❤️😍🙏 We are done with Seminyak and here are the reasons why: *for us it is not the “real” Bali. It’s super crowded and a lot of party places and noise. If you like it- that’s your place to explore. * no beautiful nature. Bali is so beautiful- city is not where you want to stay if you love nature as we do. *Seminyak is far away from all the nicest attractions- Ubud, a lot of temples and jungles. Overall- we are pleased with our stay here, as the beach bars was really nice places to enjoy sunset in the evening, but would not stay again for sure. #bali #seminyak #indonesia #baliindonesia #mybali #balitrip #couple #balicouple

A post shared by Juta Valdmane (@jutavaldmane) on Aug 25, 2019 at 3:33am PDT

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Have a blessed day 🙏❤️💋 #lempuyangtemple #bali #baliindonesia #indonesia #ubud #seminyak #uluwatu #kuta #sanur

A post shared by Juta Valdmane (@jutavaldmane) on Aug 27, 2019 at 12:49am PDT

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Just a pretty view 😍 On a side note: BE CAREFUL when exchanging money in Bali. Don’t go to smaller “authorised exchange” places. Today they tried to trick us on the amount. Everything seems legit and they even let you count the money they give you. You count it and everything is good, but they try to keep your attention away and ask one question after another so you partner won’t notice one of them is sliding money back in the drawer, cos he is holding the money in his hands. Maybe I would not notice that if some of my clients weren’t cheated like that as well, and if one of guys wouldn’t ask what hotel we are staying- twice 😁 I get jus SUPER mean when it comes to things like this lol, so I started yelling to him that i saw what he did and I’ll call the police, so he had no choice but to give our euros back 😁 So be careful and exchange money in your country (for us it was a better rate), or go and exchange at bank type exchange counters 🙏 Bali is just AMAZING place to visit, and people are super nice- but as in every country- exclusions may apply. #bali #baliindonesia #ubud #seminyak #kuta #uluwatu #sanur

A post shared by Juta Valdmane (@jutavaldmane) on Aug 24, 2019 at 11:47pm PDT

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