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Ne velti saka, ka, dodoties uz ārzemēm, lidostās jāierodas jau laicīgi – dzīvē gadīties var visādi, un arī mums pašiem neietekmējamu iemeslu dēļ gaisa kuģis var pacelties ātrāk. Šajā rakstā stāstīsim par dažādiem, reizēm pat amizantiem iemesliem, kāpēc cilvēki nokavējuši savus reisus.

Missy with alarm clock. This story has been revealed by a reader to the Tourism Guide. She has traveled from Milan to Riga and missed her flight because the alarm wasn't ringing. In fact, in this case, the device can not be blamed for having forgotten to set the alarm itself - the night before was thoroughly enjoyed life and, with fatigue, eyes closed closing faster than the finger pressed the rise time on the phone.

Missing the bus or making the wrong choice . Being overseas is really easy to get lost when you have to carry heavy luggage, valuables, etc. You often miss flights because you get in the wrong transport and go in the wrong direction for 40 minutes. Of course, travelers, of course, have also been delayed by the transport they need to take to the airport. Finding an alternative in a stressful situation can be really difficult!

Foto: Shutterstock

Sleeping at the gate . This story, too, is from the adventure box of a tourist guide - a traveler from Copenhagen to Riga. The airplane was early in the morning, so he had decided not to book a room at the hotel, but to spend the night at the airport. When he arrived at the right gate, he wanted to snooze and set an alarm, not for the time he had to board the plane, but for the moment of taking off. When he woke up he found out the plane was already gone and had to buy a new ticket.

  • Here are eight phrases that no traveler wants to hear.

When taken too much for a strong drink. Often travelers decide to sip a drink before boarding an airplane, for example to mark the start of their vacation. Occasionally people lose their sense of time and fever, so you may even forget about the flight (unless there is someone to remind you of it). However, more often people who have consumed too much alcohol are not allowed on board because they have been detected by a crew member - for this reason it is better to wait for a celebration of life after boarding an aircraft or arriving at their destination.

Foto: Shutterstock

Invalid passport . Even the most punctual traveler can fall into this situation if the passport is not checked in time. It is also important to remember that the passport must be valid not only at the time of departure but also for a specific period in advance (three or six months, depending on the chosen destination).

Arriving on the wrong day . As we know, the globe is divided into time zones, so the time varies from zero to the right and left of the meridian. That is why it is important to keep track of the times and dates on the ticket - quite often you hear of careless tourists who have bought the wrong day's ticket due to the change of time zones and arrive at the wrong time.

  • For other common traveler mistakes, read here.

Confusion with airports. In a big city, you may have a deal with a situation where there are only a few airports from which flights are possible. The Flyer Talk people share the experience that this can indeed happen, since many places don't write the airport in question, but a city like Frankfurt. Double check!

The article uses information from The Vacation Times, Thrillist and Flyer Talk.

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