35 gadus vecā amerikāniete Alīsija Džeja (attēlā) ir viena no tām retajām sievietēm, kura apņēmusies nenodarboties ar seksu līdz savai kāzu naktij. Viņas augums nedaudz pārsniedz divus metrus, un šī iemesla dēļ dāma izpelnījusies apzīmējumu "pasaulē garākā jaunava".

Alīsija ir kristiete, kura raksta garām sievietēm veltītu modes un dzīvesstila blogu "TallSWAG". Savukārt ikdienā viņa darbojas Nacionālās basketbola asociācijas (NBA) komandas Goldensteitas "Warriors" preses dienestā.

Džeja bijusi gana drosmīga, lai publiski atklātu, ka viņa 35 gadu vecumā joprojām ir nevainīga. Sieviete sniegusi nelielu interviju radošajai apvienībai "Mode", kurā pastāstījusi, kādēļ pieņēmusi šādu lēmumu.

Džeja stāstījusi, ka pusaudzes gados viņa piedzīvojusi pazemojumu un izsmieklu sava garā auguma dēļ. Tiesa, apkārtējo neiecietīgā attieksme un indīgās piezīmes darījušas viņas garu tikai stiprāku.

Vairāk nekā divus metrus garā meitene ir ļoti reliģioza, un jau agrā bērnībā viņa pieņēmusi lēmumu palikt nevainīga līdz savai kāzu naktij. Džeja atzinusi, ka jaunavībai mūsdienās piemīt īpaša burvība – tas ir kaut kas īpašs.

Tiesa, sieviete pagaidām nav satikusi savu īsto vīrieti. Tāpat apkārtējie nereti mēdz brīnīties, kad viņa atklāj, ka nekad nav nodarbojusies ar seksu, taču sieviete, lai arī cik grūti tas nebūtu, apņēmusies nelauzt sev doto solījumu.

I am often asked when I gained my confidence and there was not a specific moment in time that I can reference, yet it was found during my 5 seasons with these amazing people. Basketball never came naturally to me. I had to work at it tirelessly. But it wasn't the sport that revealed my self-worth, it was the beautiful lessons I encountered on this team, the strong women I played with and the guidance of God appointed coaches. I would not be who I am today without both the challenging and awesome moments of this experience. You certainly don't have to play basketball because you are Tall. In fact, I entered in to the sport because I felt I had to because of my height. But this experience was part of my plan and a conduit into uncovering who I am on my path to living in my purpose. I am forever grateful. Trust your journey. It is all planned and there for a specific reason. God doesn't make mistakes. You are surrounded by moments, both good, bad and great, that are molding and shaping you into what He wants and needs you to be. Thank you for your plan Lord. I give it all to you! Thanks for bringing us all together and sharing an amazing moment that is well deserved. Congratulations on your induction into the @pacifictigers Hall of Fame Selena! The best point guard a team could ever ask for and a friend I am blessed to have in my life for all time. Love you Hoey! #TallSWAG

A photo posted by Alicia Jay (@tallswag) on Apr 24, 2016 at 9:36am PDT

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