Austrāliete Džessa O’Braiena (attēlā) ir pasaulē, iespējams, pirmā plikiņā blogere. Viņa internetu priecē ar skaistiem kailfoto, kuros tapusi iemūžināta uz gleznainu ainavu fona, un aicina citus cilvēkus nekaunēties par savu kailo ķermeni.

Džessa ar pikantajām fotogrāfijām, kuras papildinātas ar iedvesmojošiem aprakstiem, kopš aizvadītā gada oktobra dalās "Instagram" tīklā. Tiesa, nesen viņas foto blogs, kuram bija vairāk nekā 42 tūkstoši sekotāju, tika deaktivizēts, jo neatbilda "Instagram" politikai.

Nūdiste kādu rītu pamodusies un uzzinājusi, ka "Instagram" bez brīdināšanas bloķējis viņas foto blogu. Džessa bijusi nepatīkami pārsteigta, tomēr nav metusi plinti krūmos – viņa zibenīgi izveidojusi jaunu foto blogu, kurā turpina priecēt ar plikbildēm.

"Tas ir kauns, ka kailumu joprojām uzskata par aizskarošu. Īpaši tāpēc, ka ir dažādi iemesli, kāpēc es to daru. Es piekrītu, ka mums jābeidz seksualizēt cilvēka ķermenis. Un tas ir tieši tas, ko es ar savām bildēm un aprakstiem cenšos panākt," sociālajos tīklos vēstījusi Džessa.

BODY POSITIVITY 💖 It is to look at any human being and see beyond the body, so that we are able to see the beauty that lies within each and every individual, regardless of shape, size, colour, bumps and spots. Because once we can get this right, we see bodies in a much more positive lighting, and a divine one at that. Please, do not allow yourself to be told what is 'desirable' or 'beautiful'. Do not let those standards be created for you, create them for yourself. Redefine your definition of 'beautiful', and create a definition so deep that no one could ever make you doubt it. As mentioned in my previous post, the body positive journey isn't always smooth sailing... it isn't without its bumps, but even if it is a slow and somewhat painful process here, let's unravel these layers together and reconnect with the beauty within. I have had my fair share of struggles in getting to the point I have reached today, and I am still learning, still growing and still have my moments of doubt and insecurity. Much of my growth has come from pain, learning and unlearning. It is learning to be able to detach from these negative thoughts and insecurities and not let them define us or our state of mind. Self love is not about being complacent, but is an ongoing journey and means constantly showing up. I post nude photos, not for superficial reasons, nor to be glorified or sexualised, but with the hopes of normalising nudity and promoting body positivity and acceptance (and because it's a glimpse into what I really do! 🙊) I call on you to observe your current outlook on this topic, and if it at all exacerbates the negativity that media are already propagating, I hope that this post can at least encourage you to become a little more conscious of positive changes you can make to, at least, benefit your own mind and body connection within yourself. I believe it is vital for us, especially females, to come together and unite on this issue. Create a sisterhood in which we uplift, support and encourage one another 👭👭👫👬👭 #bodypositive #normalisenudity #nudist #naturist #natural #naked #truth #humpday #thoughts

A post shared by The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger_) on Aug 16, 2017 at 12:35am PDT

Let's talk BODY POSITIVITY ❤️ For me, it means accepting, embracing and honouring our body, the sacred vessel in which our Soul resides 💖 It is about empowering ourselves and breaking free of the shackles of society's 'beauty standards'. Reaching a point where we no longer allow corporations or industries to tell us what is considered 'desirable' or 'beautiful'. To me, body positivity is so much more than just the physical aspect of it all. It is also about a state of mind. It is a matter of perception. It is about taking back our power and redefining, for ourselves, what is considered beautiful. It is about recognising the beauty that is already within. The beauty that wants to shine, regardless of your appearance or physical attributes. For me, practicing body positivity means seeing 'beauty' as something that cannot be attained, but as something that is already within. It means developing a healthy relationship between the mind and body. It means being kind to yourself. By ACCEPTING our bodies, we cease resisting what is and begin to work with what we have. By EMBRACING our bodies, we celebrate its unique and miraculous nature. We stop striving to look a certain way for a surface-level form of societal acceptance. By HONOURING the body, we understand that this is our temple, and so we treat is as such. We cultivate gratitude toward it 🙏🏽 Body acceptance is an act of self-love. By cultivating kindness toward ourselves, we do not allow others' judgements to define our view of self, because we begin to realise that their judgements are only a reflection of their own state of mind. We begin to break down and break through society's insidious and warped view of the human body, and we start caring less about fitting a certain mold. Being body positive, for me, means being at one with my body, but not being defined by it. It means nurturing it in a way that also nurtures inner-growth. It means letting go of strict standards and ideals about what we should look like. I'm not saying that all of this is easy, no…it's challenging. We're talking about changing a mindset here... but it is possible 💖 #body #positivity #acceptance #freedom #naked #nude #self #love

A post shared by The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger_) on Aug 14, 2017 at 10:35pm PDT

A self-proclaimed wild child with an inquisitive mind. I lead with my heart and allow life to follow. I'm a realist and a dreamer. A lackadaisical perfectionist. One of the 'crazy' ones. My life is organised chaos, driven by a sense of purpose. The Nude Blogger is my creative outlet and a platform through which I hope to learn more, raise awareness, inspire change and broaden perceptions. An unconventional blend of mindful living with a spicy twist of the taboo, TNB is thought-provoking and encourages a journey to and through our higher Self. Intoxicated by a mesmorising sense of unraveling, I invite you to open your mind and your heart on the journey to leading a more mindful and abundant life. . . Here's to round 2! The official re-launch of The Nude Blogger on Instagram 🎉🎉🎉 . . #istandforbodypositivity #teamthenudeblogger #womanonamission #stickittotheman 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼

A post shared by The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger_) on Aug 13, 2017 at 3:31pm PDT

THE NUDE BLOGGER My • Naked • Truth ✨✨✨ My Naked Truth is still an unfolding journey, and it will continue to be so. I've hit a bit of a hurdle lately with the deactivation of my prior account which I put a lot of time, effort, love and truth into. As challenging as it can be at times, I embrace this sense of unravelling, sometimes to the point that I feel I have come undone… Sometimes we need to be undone, though, in order to allow space for understanding and growth. Coming undone allows us to strip away the layers and delve into our vulnerability. My naked truth is about being vulnerable, and I want for us to share in each other's journey. I want to encourage others to see the strength in vulnerability, to embrace their own vulnerability with such zealous. By seeing the vulnerability and courage in others, may we learn to live more compassionately. May we embrace our own beautiful version of a naked truth 💖 . . Please head on over to my website and Facebook page to see what my naked truth is all about 😉 #linkinbio . . #thenudeblogger #naked #truth #journey #embrace #vulnerability #growth #strength #compassion #love #life #blog #conscious #lifestyle #blogger #empower #beauty

A post shared by The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger_) on Aug 12, 2017 at 10:40pm PDT

Hello beautiful people 😘 It's been a while 💖 Some of you may have been following my previous account @thenudeblogger, which was abruptly, and without any notice whatsoever, deactivated Monday night, 31 July. My guess, it's been reported 🙄 So apologies I've been missing for a bit! I've been a woman on a mission 👊🏼 #reactivatethenudeblogger If you're not familiar with my previous account, I'll put up a few posts outlining the gist of what my blog is about... and I'll post a few of my previous posts too...just to introduce myself and bring you up to speed 😉 Alternatively, you can visit my website #linkinbio (launched in June just prior to the deactivation of @thenudeblogger) where you can also subscribe to my blog 😁 I started my previous @thenudeblogger account last year in October, which unexpectedly grew to almost 43,000 amazing followers 🙏🏽 I've started up this account in the event I don't get my previous account restored. So follow along for all the latest and developing 😘 Much love to you all and thank you to those who have been so supportive throughout this process 🙏🏽 Your support and encouragement mean the world to me ❤️❤️❤️ Have an amazing day ✨ The Nude Blogger Xx . . #thenudeblogger #teamthenudeblogger #istandforbodypositivity #new #instagram #account #blog #blogger #taboo #conscious #lifestyle #yoga #yogi #vegan #plantbased #travel #health #naked #love #body #positive #freedom #naturism #wanderlust #feminine #freespirit

A post shared by The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger_) on Aug 12, 2017 at 10:22pm PDT

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