Par sevi turpina atgādināt, iespējams, pats kaitinošākais pārītis Beverlihilzā – Bastions un Marija Joti (abi attēlā). Vāciešu izcelsmes mīlnieki jau vairākus mēnešus ne tikai zīmējas ar savu dižmanīgo dzīvesveidu, bet arī citiem māca, kā kļūt tikpat iedvesmojošiem un turīgiem.

Jau vēstīts, ka Jotu pāris uz Beverlihilzu pārcēlās aizvadītā gada jūnija sākumā. Bastions un Marija sāka īrēt vienu no daudzajiem prestižā rajona savrupnamiem.

Jotu pāris savu ierašanos Beverlihilzā atzīmēja ar vērienīgu sālsmaizes ballīti. Tiesa, skaļā uzdzīve un daudzie burziņi, kas turpmāk katru nogali norisinājās savrupnamā, kaimiņiem nebija pa prātam, taču Marijai un Bastionam par to bija nospļauties.

Savu apskaužamo dzīvi Jotu pāris vērienīgi atrāda vietnē "Instagram", un šī gada laikā, kopš mīlētāji ieradušies Beverlihilzā, viņu popularitāte tikai pieaugusi, bet slava – izplatījusies.

Marijas un Bastiona publicētās bildes daudz neatšķiras no citu izrādīties kāru bagātnieku attēliem. Foto iemūžināti ballīšu, ceļojumu, iepirkšanās un citu turīgo ļaužu ierasto izklaižu kadri.

Tiesa, Marijai un Bastionam piemīt kāda laba īpašība. Pārītis ne tikai zīmējas ar naudu un sasniegumiem, bet labprāt arī iedvesmo un pat pamāca citus, kā savas dzīves ievirzīt līdzīgā gultnē un tikt pie Jotu pāra cienīga dzīvesveida.

Pāris savos sociālajos tīklos vēsta, ka viņu mērķis ir nevis pulcēt sekotāju skaitu, bet gan radīt jaunus līderus. Šobrīd zīmēšanās ar naudu Marijai un Bastionam ir otršķirīga izklaide, un krāšņie kadri tiek publicēti tikai tādēļ, lai iedvesmotu arī citus tiekties pēc līdzvērtīga dzīvesveida.

Saturday afternoon: time for a fresh orange juice 😎

A video posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on Apr 30, 2016 at 3:18pm PDT

#iamyotta It is not a hashtag - It is a movement People judge me because I am different ! But i dare to be - I am yotta ! People judge me because I have a accent ! But I love my accent - I am yotta ! People judge me because I don´t talk to my employes ! But it is my company and none of your business - I am yotta ! People judge me because I dress as Superman ! I am living my own movie - I am yotta ! Break out ! Nobody can judge you, because it is your life ! Don't hide yourself - be yourself - be yotta ! Join the movement and use #iamyotta ---------------------------- und nochmals auf deutsch: Ihr urteilt über mich, weil ich anders bin ! Ja ich bin stolz darauf - I am yotta ! Ihr urteilt über mich, weil ich Denglish speake ! I liebe es - I am yotta ! Ihr urteilt über mich, weil ich nicht mit meinen Angestellten rede ! Es ist meine Firma und ich mache es wie ich will - I am yotta ! Ihr urteilt über mich, weil ich mich als Superman kleide ! Ich schiebe meinen eignen Film - I am yotta ! Schluss damit ! Es geht keinen was an, es ist dein Leben ! Verstecke Dich nicht - sei Du - sei yotta ! Mach mit und use den Hasthtag #iamyotta @yottalife everybody should be #iamyotta

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on May 29, 2016 at 5:16am PDT

Yottas kriegen voll eins auf die Fresse ! ************************************ Bahmmm, das hat gesessen. Quoten-Tief und Shit-Storm ! I love that ! I really love that ! Warum ? Weil ich als Kind Rocky gesehen habe und Sly zu my friends zählen darf ! Und der Superheld bekommt erst immer eins auf die Fresse. So geschehen gestern ! Ja das tat weh ! Und jetzt drehe ich das ganze ! Mit der Kraft meiner Gedanken ! Alle lachen mich aus über meine Affirmationen ( gezeigt im Frühstücksfernsehen Sat1 ) alle lachen über meine Visualisierungen ! Here we go. Jetzt mache ich den live-test und daran dürft ihr mich dann alle messen ! Aber wehe es klappt, dann will ich nichts hören von Glück und Zufall ! Die Quoten werden deutlich steigen, von Show zu Show und zwar in diesem Maße, dass wir in die 2. Staffel gehen werden mit Pro7. Das ist mein hiermit erklärtes Ziel und ich wende alle Tools an, die ich immer predige ! Ihr könnt live dabei sein und schon in Kürze werdet Ihr sehen, ob es worked oder nicht ! Und bis dahin Klappe halten ! Jetzt haben wir den proof of concept und ich lasse alle daran teilhaben ! It is not over until it is over ! Und ein Yotta gibt noch lange nicht auf ! Ich habe jetzt beschlossen Superstar zu sein und das kreiere ich mit der Kraft meiner Gedanken ! Und genau dann, wenn nach diesem krassen Shitstorm und der Scheiß-Quote alle sagen, es ist unmöglich, genau dann bin ich richtig motiviert. Top die Wette gilt ! Dieser Post wird nicht gelöscht und dient als Beweis, was möglich ist, wenn man an sich glaubt ! Los Angeles, 27. Mai 2016, Bastian Yotta aka Mr. Yotta PS: Die erste Episode war auch nicht mein Favourite ehrlich gesagt, aber das spielt jetzt keine Rolle mehr ! #yottalife jetzt erst recht !!!!!!

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on May 27, 2016 at 7:11am PDT

Noch 3 Tage. Donnerstag geht es endlich los. Juhuuuuuuuu #yottalife pro7 - 26. Mai - 22:30 - die Yottas

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on May 23, 2016 at 6:41am PDT

You want to be rich ? Okay here is the owners manual for wealth: 1) it is not enough to want. You must fucking want it so bad 2) you must have a clear vision what rich means to you. Create your own movie of your own Yotta Life in your mind. 3) make yourself believe that you can do it and you deserve it ( what is the biggest problem of most people ) affirmation will help to make yourself believe it 4) write down your skills 5) write down the biggest problems of most people in our world 6) find something where your skills can solve this problem - getting rich means solving a problem for millions or solving a problem worth millions for somebody 7) if you don't find anything then look for it again and again 8) if you still find nothing then spend your money in developing some skills - invest in yourself and become better and more useful 9) there are still skills missing ? No problem. Find the right team to make the package perfect 10) create a strategy how you want to make it happen. How you will conquer the market with all details. 11) go and make it happen 12) you can't because money is missing ? Present step 1-10 to an investor and if you did your homework you will have money 13) make it happen - work as hard as you can every single moment 14) find new team members and coach them how to do some of your work 15) control. rethink. doublecheck. lead 16) enjoy your financial success 17) do the same strategy for all other parts of your life because now you have money and that is only the beginning 18) welcome to Yotta Life #yottalife don't miss this valuable post and stop complaining and start changing Don't wish it would be easier. Wish you would be better ! And last but not least the answer what this pic has in common with this message: -> no money -> no honey -> not funny 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on May 13, 2016 at 9:22am PDT

As a child I always wanted to be an eagle or a lion. Well right now I want to be THE dolphin 😎

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on Apr 18, 2016 at 1:08pm PDT

Last week, I bought my own island. Did you know that you can also? While you may not be able to physically afford the real estate, anyone can create their own personal island in three easy steps. Step 1: Close your eyes. Step 2: Visualize a place where everything is your idea of "perfect." Step 3: Name this your own island; this is the perfect place where nobody can bother you. Now imagine that your island is an energy source. You now have the ability of transporting yourself to paradise to refuel and recharge yourself whenever you want. Meanwhile, I am preparing my island for the sickest party the world has ever seen. Stay tuned! #yottalife create your island Because I'm often asked about my shirts: @philippplein78 thank you for the best shirts in the world 😎 @philipppleininternational

A photo posted by Yotta Couple (@yotta_life) on Apr 17, 2016 at 7:10am PDT

Seko "Delfi" arī Instagram vai YouTube profilā – pievienojies, lai uzzinātu svarīgāko un interesantāko pirmais!